As a member of the earth and one of the key members of energy-saving technology, we insist on developing innovative power management products to reduce the number of components, reduce the size of the circuit board used, reduce system power consumption, and provide stable output quality, and reduce global warming through environmental protection and carbon reduction.
We uphold the spirit of corporate social responsibility and are committed to corporate governance and good interaction with all stakeholders. All employees are required to practice environmental protection and carbon reduction, and to implement the Company's core values in order to pursue a sustainable future.
We acknowledges and voluntarily adheres to international human rights standards such as The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The United Nations Global Compact, The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and The International Labor Organization, incorporating these into internal human resources management regulations. These regulations are regularly reviewed to assess potential impacts and formulate corresponding measures. We are committed to creating a decent work environment, adhering to local regulations at its operational locations worldwide, and safeguarding the human rights of all personnel, including full-time, contracted, and temporary employees within the company.